Things That Were Entered into Inventory That Should Not Have Been

by Shelby Reilly

Our inventory system has gone through many lives and many locations. Over the years the inventory has started to eat items that were never meant to enter into the inventory system, these are their stories.

1. Sticks - 2

Unfortunately, these are not even two sticks. It’s thin pvc pipe and a broom handle taped together, labeled and entered into our system.

2. Scott’s Missing C Key from His Old Keyboard

Scott replaced his keyboard, thinking the C was gone forever. But lo and behold. There it was…eaten by inventory only to be discovered roughly a year and a half later.

3. Ping Pong Ball

A singular dented ping pong ball.

4. Rose’s Personal Record Collection

No clue how this one happened. She has some hits in there.

5. 400 Toothpicks

Someone categorized our old bar inventory from UCC Omega and COUNTED EVERY SINGLE TOOTHPICK.