Hello one and all.

In lieu of our building shutdown, we have a ton of excess stuff that we don't need, and you probably would benefit from.

Instead of selling direct to individuals or trying to list everything on ebay, the one and true method is at hand: a really really big Yard Sale™.

Many, many things are up for sale at deeply-discounted values, and will be sold on a first-come, first-serve basis. Supplies are limited! Get em' while they last!

Highlights include:

  • Most if not all the components of a full-service scenic shop.
    • 3D Printers (oooh!)
    • Saw Stops (ahhh!)
    • and much, much more!
  • Most if not all the components of a live event production company.
    • Behringer X32 Digital Mixing console and snakes (oooh!)
    •  CHAUVET DJ Intimidator Spot 360, along with mounting trusses (ahhh!)
    • and much, much more!
  • Seven years of aggregated props, wardrobe, and various event elements.
    • Vintage, Out-of-print Party City musketeer tabardss (oooh!)
    • Custom dressed prop weapons, and potted plants (ahhh!)
    • and much, much more!
  • Various furniture and scenic things
    • 40 Rolling office chairs (oooh!)
    • Official Robert Rodruigez's Alita Battle Angel: The Immersive Experience flats (ahhh!)
    • and much, much more!
  • Office Supplies
    • Printers from every manufacturer you could imagine or desire (oooh!)
    • A4 Paper reams (ahhh!)
    • and much, much more!
  • A host of other things...
    • Big setpiece props that we don't want to just throw out (oooh!)
    • Wireless Headsets (ahhhh!)
    • and much, much more!
    • Scrap Wood
    • 5v DC adaptors (free with every purchase!)
    • and much, much more!

behold, (some of) the stuff



Wednesday, November 8th

Thursday, November 9th

Friday, November 10th

Saturday, November 11th


All days we'll be open from 12-noon to 8pm.


32 Meadow Street, Brooklyn, NY 11206

see: the big red 'X'

Price & Payment

All items will be priced at point of sale. We accept cash, check, paypal, and will try to get a square reader to work properly for debit/credit purchases.

We DO NOT accept Venmo, Cashapp, Bitcoin, or Patreon Subscriptions.

All sales are, naturally, final.

I want to call/email/text ahead and get stuff before somebody else because-

no. no you can not. Yard Sale or bust. If there is anything left at the end of Yard Sale, and you were unable to make it, check back on this site for details on remaining elements.


Unfortunately, we cannot provide any vehicles or labor to assist in getting things you buy to where you'd like to keep them. If you're planning on purchasing anything you can't carry on the subway, bringing a suitable transportation vehicle is advised. We have no problem setting things aside for a later pickup, as long as it is before November 13th.

We look forward to seeing you at the site of our untimely doom. Good hunting!


Future Proof