
Future Proof is a company made up of real human beings. Here they are in first-name alphabetical order:

Alex Chmaj

Producer | Co-Owner | Co-Founder

'This is the best headshot I could find' -Note to Dev

Co-Founder and Co-Owner of Future Proof (est. 2017). Current site Dev.

WA expat, somehow graduated CUNY Hunter with a Liberal Arts degree and a bunch of film study credits. Freelance multimedia 10 years  (Film production, Editing, Live Event, Theater Tech, etc.). Possesses a deep repository of anecdotes, has worn a tie, read a book, been in a band, and one day that Kenneth Anger doc will be finished.

Attributable accolades mandatory for a bio include a three-year tour of duty as lead video tech, operations manager, and honorary carny at Rooftop Films; 2010 United Solo “Best Multimedia” award for Tenderpits; Preditor for two feature-length documentaries; and having Robert De Niro hit him with a chair leg in “Being Flynn.”

He promises to make his Mom proud before she dies, and is available for childrens' birthday parties.

André Gabriel

Producer | Partner - Archangel Media

Casey Schlosser

Digital Media Producer | CTO

Elvie Parian


Moses appoints Joshua as his successor (1998)

A weaver of words at Future Proof. Comes from a background in film and animation, earning a Bachelor of Fine of Arts from the School of Visual Arts that now sits crushed in a musty plastic bin proudly forgotten in mom's closet. Has worked at studios making funny cartoons or at media companies producing Content™ commanded by the whims of dreaded algorithms. Concurrently makes art and reviews assorted things after discovering some people liked hearing her complain online.

Unlisted on her CV includes winning second place at a Catholic school spelling bee after having misspelled, "cholesterol", being an unwilling President for an Anime Club, and a codependency on hydrocortisone.

Cryptid status to be verified, but definitely a mall rat from New Jersey.

Eugene Bobbit

Run Crew

Jack Holmes

Executive Producer | Co-Owner

Johnny Quizhpi

Run Crew

Jordan Ogihara

BTS Preditor

One of the two in-house videographers at Future Proof. A Japanese-American artist, writer and amateur music historian based in New York. The furthest thing from a technician. Co-hosts the podcast Mael Living Space, which provides a comprehensive critical overview of the discography of American rock band Sparks.

Holds a degree in Television Writing & Production from Columbia College Chicago. Co-presenter of the lecture "Teens: The Adults of Tomorrow." Written work has been published by various outlets, including Netflix Life, No Cinema and Hyperallergic.

A quiet fellow who largely keeps to himself, Jordan spends his spare time devising pilot scripts, formulating cocktail recipes and stanning the Spice Girls.

Peter Haas

BTS Preditor

A New York based filmmaker and artist whose creative style is inspired by the realms of the weird, eerie, and all things fantastic; investigating the definition of reality and perceived truths.

With over fifteen years of experience specializing in editing and story producing, Peter's work has been featured on networks such as NBC, A&E, TLC, PBS, and the Criterion Channel.

When not at work, he enjoys life as an active plant-Dad, painting, and teaches Historical Medieval Fencing.



Richard Hoyte

Run Crew

Rose McShane

Operations Manager | Propmaster

Rose is an old-style New Yorker born with a pencil and wrench in her hand. Stone lithography, bronze casting, pencil drawing and anything mechanical is her template and engine for creative expression.

Rose has a degree of Fine Arts from The Cooper Union for The Advancement of Science and Art and a MS of Science in Occupational Safety and Health degree.  Rose’s style is to be in the thick of things complete with a broad knowledge of all the nuts and bolts of production. Enjoys design, execution in making creative elements, matching concepts and cool visions of our company. Loves science by way of physics and research, technical whitepapers, adores animals, can purchase, likes junk movies, fine films, her own photography, trains, running a community garden, has eclectic tastes in music. and continues to make art whenever possible.

Currently working on an art project of a website for her and her late husband's Marshall's artwork. Oh, and is hard of hearing, deaf.

Scott Bullock

Head Writer

You look at the bio section. In it you see the tale of a compelling, charismatic, and intelligent writer. According to this bio, he attended Yale Law, is from a rich and noble family of old Burgundian stock, and is close personal friends with Ringo Starr. However, you sense that things may not be as they seem. Roll Insight.

… 17. Good enough.

You realize that this is all utter hogwash and base fabrication. He definitely dropped out of community college and has never met Ringo Starr. You don’t know about that Burgundian thing, but that’s probably bullshit too. In fact, you’ve quickly come to the opinion that he worked a bunch of starving-artist copywriting side gigs while selling pizza. You look at his photo; yes, there you see the telltale slouch of a man who has definitely sold nutritional supplements at some point in his life. You wonder, idly, how in the world he ever came to be head writer of anything? You suspect that he wonders this, as

word count 150 of 150 reached!

Shelby Reilly

Associate Producer

Formerly video designer, sound designer and stage manager, Shelby Reilly is the Associate Producer here at Futureproof.

Shelby has a BA in Theater and New Media from Marymount Manhattan College and many old embarrassing film projects to prove it.

When not swaying the vote for company movie night or digging through the arts and crafts bin Shelby is reading birth charts, obsessing over a certain terrible daytime TV host, and tinkering with projects that will hopefully evolve into Something™️.

Tim Gann

A/V Head | Lead Editor